Customized retirement income and insurance planning for people like you.
What makes Providence Retirement Strategies different?
- We are fiercely independent, which allows us to shop around to find the best product at the best price for you.
- We pride ourselves in offering superior customer service. When you call our office, we answer the phone or call you back. You don’t have to push endless prompts and talk to people who can’t help you.
- Our clients and prospects are welcome to call anytime, day, night, weekend, and holidays.
- We keep up to date with all industry changes and products.
- We meet with clients and prospects at their convenience.
- We’re old fashioned and prefer meeting face to face in your home, but are also happy meet you in our office or conduct business using phone, email, text, and e-apps.
- We take customized planning seriously, and help our clients plan for many circumstances, including healthcare, long-term care, insurance, retirement income planning, and tax-efficient wealth transfer or legacy planning.
These are the five things we'll ask you.
- What’s your retirement goal? Where do you want to go? That’s the most important question to our agents.
- What do you know about your retirement plan right now? Our agents need to know where you are to help you get where you want to go.
- How do we use what we know to build a new retirement plan? There’s rarely one way to get from Point A to Point B. We provide the pros and cons for each scenario and help you make a plan for your individual situation. Our agents give you the tools. It’s your job to make the decisions.
- How do you execute your retirement plan? Everything leads up to this point. You have to execute on what you agreed on with our agents or nothing happens. We will encourage you to follow through, stick to your plan, and keep making progress toward your retirement income goals.
- Is the retirement plan continuing to work? Change is constant. As times evolves, so might your needs. Our team will work with you to update your plan as needed, to analyze new information, and to make sure you’re happy with your services and products.
Call us today at 866.890.6936.
Are you prepared for retirement?
You’ve probably been planning for retirement in some way, shape or form for many years. As you get closer to retirement, it’s important to plan in more specific details. How much money will you have coming in the door every month? Is that money guaranteed or could it fluctuate? How will you spend your money? Download our complimentary, no-obligation guide, “10 Steps to a Successful Retirement” to help you nail down the answers to more important questions.